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Bob-of-Rovia (16 января 2020 16:32) №3122
проходить другие ветви , тут прикол в том , что некоторые квесты можно открыть пойдя другие до определенного момента , тогоже Эрика что бы загнать работать в кофитерий , надо было пройти пол квеста музыканта и 1/3 квеста Эрика(правда как сейчас с этим обстоят дела хз)
lmk1 (16 января 2020 15:43) №3121
кто может сказать что делать дальше по квесту училки французкого? я типо помог рокси найти её форму а что дальше делать? от нее реакций нет в школе и от училки
createamq (16 января 2020 04:13) №3120
Какой пароль от архива ? Не могу найти как распаковывать то ?
Exelius (16 января 2020 00:17) №3119
Да, будет
Bob-of-Rovia (14 января 2020 03:58) №3118
мб шифт . если ты с телефона - слева по середине стрелочка на клавиатуре
Ind325 (14 января 2020 03:14) №3117
Вопрос как сменить при вводе пороля на компе сестры заглавные буквы на прописные?
lmk1 (13 января 2020 16:39) №3116
вопрос есть у кого проблема с сейвами? когда играю в чит версию у меня крашатся сейвы
Путинг (13 января 2020 13:29) №3115
"простыни" текста под спойлеры запихнуть религия не позволяет?
stylzelen (13 января 2020 13:02) №3114
или подели тесь сохранением если у кого то она есть
stylzelen (13 января 2020 12:59) №3113
а то дошел до того что они обнимаются и все, а дальше?
stylzelen (13 января 2020 12:58) №3112
скажите ева будет заниматься сексом когда она с членом?
Bob-of-Rovia (13 января 2020 12:56) №3111
Exelius (13 января 2020 12:54) №3110
Мне то ты зачем это ответил, не я вопрос задавал
Bob-of-Rovia (13 января 2020 12:52) №3109
- {i}New content:{/i}
- Eve, Grace and Odette are now pursuable characters
- Eve, Grace and Odette pregnancies, and H-Scenes
- Ground up rework of the bank ATM:
- You can now deposit/withdraw any amount of money from the bank.
- You are no longer limited to $25, 000 in your savings account
- You will still unlock the tuition achievement once $25, 000 is in your bank account, even through interest
- The ATM will tell you how much interest you will make for this week.
- You can either use the number row, the keypad or the virtual keypad to enter the amount of money.
- You can now access Debbie's bank account, to help her repay her debt
- Has no effect right now but will be used during the 0.20 update.
- Debbie's debt starts at $30, 000 and will progressively gets worse every week.
- The ATM will tell you how much money debbie owes, and how much money will be taken the following week.
- Future difficulty settings will impact how realistic the loan interests are.
- New character : Tuuku, who will hang out at the Tattoo Parlor
- New tattoo parlor locations : Apartment, Bedroom, Bathroom, Roof, Fire Escape, Garage, and Alley.
- New School location : School Frontyard
- New Mall location : Mall Parking Lot
- New Police station location : Police Station Front
- New Hospital location : Hospital Forecourt
- Added DatingSystem feature (mock-up)
- in an effort to foreshadow future save incompatibilities, the dating system (v1) has been implemented.
- each machine has a set of likes/dislikes defined in data/dating.json
- likes/dislikes include activities, gifts and so on, and range from a -5 to a +5 value.
- That value is added to that machine's "dating points", whenever the associated action is performed
- each machine has a set of thresholds to unlock available actions with them, after a certain amount of dating points have been acquired.
- The more an action is performed, the less points will be rewarded for that action. The rate follows an exponential decay with a time constant tau equal to 3.
- Added a new UI message feature
- This shows animated messages on the UI screen
- Animated messages may be when you spend/gain money or when you gain stats.
- Animation is just a move up and fade away animation.
- Showing a message is as simple as showing the screen 'ui_message' with the following arguments:
- position : the absolute position of the message on screen
- displayable : a displayable to show as the message. Every renpy displayable is supported as well as CDDs
- fadeout_tick : the current tick for the the animation (defaults to 0.0, and is used to refresh the screen every anim_tick_rate)
- anim_tick_rate : a float in seconds representing the tickrate for the animation (controlling the speed of the animation). Defaults to 0.1.
- timeout : the total time it takes in seconds to play out the animation. Defaults to 3.0.
- To access a proper ui_message screen, you need to use the classmethod 'Game.get_available_ui_message_screen()' which will return an appropriate screen name for you to use.
- Up to 10 UI messages may be shown at once, after that, the earliest UI message screen displayed is used (and its animation ends abruptly)
- MC may now meander around Summerville in the dead of night enjoying the quiet and seldom seen backdrops to various locations.
- Be warned: Beside a few quest events, not much happens at night, but now players can visit the art.

- {i}Rework of the codebase:{/i}
- Major reworks have been issued in order to achieve save compatibility.
- FSMs are now instantiated at init time.
- FSM action changes :
- Changed some "exec" actions to be evaluated at runtime rather than passing the callable straight through
- Changed location unlocks from an "exec" action to the new "unlocklocation" action, in order to prevent machines from not
resetting when reloading different saves
- FSM Actions have been reworked to clean up the code. The actions are now individual functions stored in a dictionnary local to "process_actions(...)"
- FSM data is now stored in an FSMData object that will not change version to version. That object is created when you start a new game.
- The only state saved is the chain of triggers the machines went through. This offers several benefits :
- States can change names or delay and it won't break save compatibility
- If a state is added in the middle of a machine and your save is past that point, you will be restored to that change, and can then resume as normal.
- Variables and location schedules can be changed dynamically, given that the actions are processed on load
- Location data has been moved away from the Player class and into its own object.
- Missing triggers is handled by the new loading system. If a trigger is missing, it will skip it and resume loading as usual.
- The loading process is now timed, and printed out to the console.
- The Player and Game classes have had some changes made to them in order to preserve save compatibility in case they undergo some changes in the future.
- Getting an attribute from those classes will yield the attribute if it exists, but if it doesn't,
it will yield the attribute as it is defined in __init__. If it is still not there, it will yield None.
- The same changes have been made to the FSMData and LocationData classes (new savegame objects)
- Improved location locks handling.
- Calls to the lock_check label will be done automatically. If the location doesn't have a label for lock checks, then no checks will be performed.
- The calls to that lock_check label will be done through the MoveTo screen action. Any other action won't perform those checks automatically.
- This is done to streamline lock checks, whether it's in the home, or any other location that may benefit from railroading the player temporarily.
- Improved logging of errors for the game
- Errors and debug messages will be dumped to a file named "summertime-saga.log" in the game's directory (where the log.txt file is)
- When reporting a bug, this log file is now required.
- Due to being unable to disable prints going into the log.txt file, some data may be duplicated between the two files.
- Exceptions, and other critical errors will be printed to that log file with the ERROR level
- Critical systems, which will not cause a total game break will be reported with the WARNING level
- Debug messages will be reported with the DEBUG level
- Info messages will be reported with the INFO level.
- Modders may access the logger object in order to log some messages
- Please use logger.debug, logger.warning, logger.error and logger.info as appropriate, and pass in the mod argument
to separate mod messages from the actual game messges.
- Improved save sharing. The game will reset the return stack to the current location's label.
- That info is logged in summertime-saga.log
- Reworked SoundManager class to be used later on in replacement of out of date "playSound" and "playMusic" functions.
- Rework of the mail system in game. Mail can now be forced to a specific mail item (i.e. the orcette).
- All mailboxes have the same item list available, but all of them are in a "locked state", meaning the RNG can't select those items
- Mail unlocking refers to allow the randomizer to select specific mail items.
- Some tests have been implemented to catch future easy to spot errors on lints.
- Updated some screens to take advantage of newer Ren'Py syntax features.
- Improved readability of hints on the cellphone.
- Improved diverse background uses throughout the codebase.
- Backgrounds are now defined using the image function from RenPy.
- Blurred backgrounds are generated at init time, which should cut down on art work as well as game size in the future.
- Backgrounds now follow a strict naming convention : {i}location_(location.formatted_name)(period)(tod)(attr){/i}.
- location.formatted_name : formatted_name for the location, a no-whitespace lowercased string.
- period : game period, like _halloween or _christmas
- tod : time of day, one of either '_day', '_evening' or '_night'
- attr : an attribute, one of '', '_blur', or '_closeup'
- the background_names dictionnary holds all of the defined backgrounds for each location.
- Overhaul of notification, buying and warning popups.
- Now using screens and consistent styling.
- Removed need for dedicated art for each popup -- reuses existing item art.
- Improved ease of use in both dialogue and screens.
- Painstakingly replaced all existing popups through the game.
- Added a bunch of previously missing popups (mostly item acquistion).
- Improved inventory screen to use fewer images and improve description display.
- Simplified save game version compatibility checking.
- Old-style renpy themed styles have been namespaced away from the core game.
- This provides a more neutral starting point when designing new screens.
- Has benefitted the computer and popup rewrites directly.
- FSMs have a new attribute 'can_talk' which defines if a particular character can be talked to or not
- Works in a similar way to the location system, but simplified to a 2x4 matrix instead of 7x4
- One 4-list for weekdays, one for weekends
- Each list is comprised of 4 booleans, determining if the player can talk to the character for each time of day.
- New FSM actions :
- unlocklocation : unlocks a specific location
- forcemail : forces a mail item for a specific character
- setcantalk : sets the can_talk flags as described above
- cleanlocation : an action which resets the force_loc, force_locations, and location_conditions lists for an FSM
- Rebuild TV to take better advantage of modern RenPy features.
- Added visual channel numbers.
- Allow input fields to be tabbed between, deactivated and to submit on return.

- {i}Modding support:{/i}
- Added mod hook to global_lock_check label, adding the possibility of designing your own lock checks on any location in the game.
- Added feature to the ModManager to bee able to get the "Mod" object associated with a specific modname.
- Mod developers may use this to check if a conflicting mod is installed
- raises a ModLoaderError if no mod with the specified mod name can be found
- Mod object provide an API to interact with the data of that mod's manifest.
- Added feature to the ModManager to implement your own FSM actions

- {i}In-game Computers rewrite:{/i}
- Complete rewrite of in-game PCs, both Jenny and MCs.
- Techical reexport of all assets including minor modifications for depth.
- Asset composition is now done in engine for a better experience.
- All text is now in engine to facilitate future translation efforts.
- The sticky note may now be clicked in lieu of typing MCs password.
- App windows may now be respositioned. This will be remembered.
- Multiple windows may be opened at the same time and focus shifted between them.
- The incepted Summertime SAGA is now animated and interactive ...
- ... and the error screen now takes the inception to new heights!
- The correct physical background is now shown when using remote access.
- A disconnect button is used in place of the shutdown button when remoting.
- An auto-typing animation is used to transition into PCs once the password is known.
- Email navigation has been tweaked to have a working inbox button.
- Even more lewd puns and references!
- Restored clue about Pink TV channel when reading the email for the first time.

- {i}Erik content moved to FSMs and touched up:{/i}
- Move Erik, Kevin, Mrs Johnson and June away from the old events system.
- Make Roz' two minor quests more flexible in how and when they trigger.
- Added many more bridging dialogues to Erik's story to aid progression and
make it feel a bit more natural.
- Added short circuits for when required items have already been acquired.
- Added small nods to other paths that have already been played. Micoe <3
- Reduced conflicts and non-sequitor location based dialogues.
- Most significant is that the Orcette must be handed over at his home.
- Removed ability to immediate re-enter Erik's room after handing over the Orcette.
- Combined dialogues to smooth the progression (i.e. poker quest).
- Added an easter egg.
- Added Erik, Mrs Johnson, Roz and June to the cellphone's hints app.
- Move Erik's House and the Hospital to the newer nav systems.
- Resolved some of the weird behaviour present in the sleep cycle.
- Chopped out loads of unnecessary transitions.
- Nuked the out of date Event and Event_Queue systems, since they are no longer being used.

- {i}Layered Image rework:{/i}
- Eve
- Continued the MC layeredimage
- Grace
- Odette
- Ross
- Bridget
- Roxxy
- Missy
- Becca
- Harold
- Yumi
- Thanks to a new feature of RenPy 7.3, layeredimages can now be tied in 'say' statements. This
Encourages further reworks to simplify the posing of characters, as well as the syntax.

- {i}Pregnancies:{/i}
- Eve, Odette and Grace pregnancies.
- Each character can now have distinct chances to get pregnant. Not all birth control is 100% effective. Except Cumdoom
- Pregnancy chances :
- Odette : 50%
- Eve : 10%
- Grace : 5%
- Jenny : 20%
- Diane : 30%
- All pregnancy chances are doubled when the player is using Pregnax.
New Content:
Five additional cookie jar scenes.
A new quest featuring Consuela and the Rumps is now available.
Conseula can now be impregnated.
It's now possible to access Rump Manor and it's inhabitants.
The beach house has been extended with a kitchen.
A new recovery ward has been added to the hospital for women that have just given birth.
New minor characters: Chef Gamsay, Father Keeves, Melonia, Ricky and Thotbot.
Gameplay Touch-ups:
Improved pregnant bathroom visitation for Eve, Grace and Odette.
Tony's pizzeria is now open in the evening, complete with new art.
Some old character buttons have been updated with the reworked visuals.
New Features:
Periodic autosaving has been replaced with a more checkpoint-like system.
The goal here is to provide more reliable and comprehensible backup saves.
The Debug Menu is now available to all users after acknowledging a disclaimer.
The loading screen now displays from which version a save originates.
Visual hints: Sepia for old but upgradable, and greyscale for unusable.
A warning is now displayed on loading a "recovered" save to expect odd behaviour.
A best effort attempt will be made to update older compatible saves on load so as to experience minimal disruption.
New method to display native language dialogue with subtitles when a character is speaking an unfamiliar language.
An experimental new system for generating background close-ups for dialogue.
Move character rename pop-up onto the new pop-up infrastructure.
Continue process of updating cutscene transitions.
Rework of season detection and related debug controls.
Experimental sex options screen with forward looking translatable interface is being trialled.

Еще была туева куча багофиксов , но опустим их
Exelius (13 января 2020 12:14) №3108
Рут Евы?
Okorochok (11 января 2020 22:11) №3107
А что изменилось с версии 18,6? Какие сцены добавили?
Exelius (11 января 2020 17:57) №3106
При прохождении Евы на крыше после предупреждения она спросит про ориентацию и надо выбрать вариант "возможно", дальше в палатке будет выбор член у нее или вагина
Велло (11 января 2020 17:54) №3105
В тегах стоит "Трап" а где он собственно!? Кто-нибудь может подсказать?
Exelius (11 января 2020 15:51) №3104
Переводчик его еще не выпустил
Sea275 (10 января 2020 19:29) №3103
Добавьте рождественское обновление 0.19.5
Вилли (10 января 2020 17:07) №3102
там разве не надо на Purchase щёлкнуть, чтобы купить?
Exelius (9 января 2020 09:44) №3101
Она давно переведена и здесь именно эта версия как бы
Bob-of-Rovia (9 января 2020 05:31) №3100
прикол в том , если выходить их игры зарыванием ее , а не выходом в меню , сцены не сохраняются
Sea275 (9 января 2020 03:00) №3099
Слушайте а так и должно быть ?
Прошел большинство рутов, но в главном меню при заходе в галерею нет некоторых сцен.(у некоторых персов есть не открытые сцены) тип так и должно быть ?
Sea275 (8 января 2020 23:47) №3098
lenni,спасибо за наводку) прошёл
Nardars (8 января 2020 22:25) №3097
Перевели версию v.0.19.1??
lenni (8 января 2020 21:17) №3096
Цитата: Sea275
Как пройти рут Евы?

Цитата: lenni
"Summertime Saga Wiki" и гугл-переводчик в помощь!
Sea275 (8 января 2020 20:32) №3095
Как пройти рут Евы?
Поиграл с ней в приставку у нее и не знаю, что дальше делать ( хэлп
lenni (8 января 2020 19:25) №3094
Цитата: Sea275
Можете обновит прохождение?)

"Summertime Saga Wiki" и гугл-переводчик в помощь!
Ash92 (8 января 2020 19:16) №3093
ребята, что нового добавили?
4952 Комментариев
