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lambda (25 мая 2024 19:34) №152
Sitrep May 24

Just posted the latest teaser. Thought I'd post something public too since I've been so quiet.

EP12 is really close. At this time it contains 1061 renders in total. I think I might need another 50-60 renders to close this one out. Of course after that I still need to do the audio, populate the new hint function, send the script out for proof and lastly do the final test run.

It's not imminent but it's really close. Bar any unforeseen circumstances, I think I can safely say that it'll be out sometime in (late) June.

BTW. That Nadia render up there has nothing to do with anything. I just needed a nice header image for this post and made that real quick while I was working on the current scene in game.

Thanks for reading,
lambda (28 апреля 2024 09:52) №151
EP11 Teaser "Are you going to put me in my place?"

lambda (26 февраля 2024 20:28) №150
EP11 Teaser "Don't you mess with me! I'll beat you up!"

lambda (14 февраля 2024 07:05) №149
EP11 Teaser "Mmmph!"

lambda (7 февраля 2024 20:29) №148
EP11 Teaser "Come find me if you want a reality check!"

Deadetected (23 января 2024 20:27) №147
сцены 1/10 сюжет тоже фу выбора 0(((
lambda (1 января 2024 21:19) №146
F##K 2024!

I'm not the one saying that. It's Ash, honest! Now, with that cleared up.
Happy new year everybody!
lambda (25 декабря 2023 08:07) №145
EP11 Teaser "Never mind the hat! I've got something for you."

lambda (12 декабря 2023 07:43) №144
EP11 Teaser "Don't you get smart with me, mister"

Goose832 (11 ноября 2023 19:42) №143
Я так понимаю, то что скинул lambda, на английском?
lambda (5 ноября 2023 15:31) №142
Happy Halloween 2023

Here's a Halloween render everybody. It might not be ghosty spooky but maybe it's scary in the about to do bloody combat type scary.

lambda (28 октября 2023 13:38) №141
Emily: Ooops!

A break time render inspired by a random clickbait Youtube thumbnail.
Emily having a little accident while goofing around on a monkey bar.

EP11 Teaser "Get on your knees and repent!"

lambda (21 августа 2023 06:55) №140
Все восемь бонусных эпизодов. Не каноничные, исключительно для развлечения.

lambda (19 августа 2023 04:54) №139
Для тира $20 My Brother! вышел 8-ой бонусный эпизод.
Героя для него, как 7-ого эпизода, пока не видать.

lambda (22 мая 2023 04:51) №138
Halfway House EP10

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lambda (13 апреля 2023 08:31) №137
March Sitrep

Hey guys, time for another sitrep. Just finished the second last major scene for EP10. 276 renders including 7 animations. One more major scene to go after this, and a couple of smaller closing scenes. Here's the current break down of EP10's progress:
Luis Nightclub Scene: 595 renders/2801 lines of dialogue = Finished.
Emily Alley Fight Scene: 142 renders/756 lines of dialogue = Finished.
Luis Alley Fight Scene: 92 renders/695 lines of dialogue = Finished.
Emily Taxi Ride Scene: 18 renders/76 lines of dialogue = Finished.
Luis Taxi Ride Scene: 16 renders/70 lines of dialogue = Finished.
Dinner Scene: 104 renders/418 lines of dialogue = Finished.
Samantha Scene: 276 renders/686 lines of dialogue = Finished
Emily Scene: 200/300 renders/6600-700 lines of dialogue = Still to do.
Emily path closing scene: 20-30 renders/100-200 lines of dialogue = Still to do.
MC and Luis Arriving Home scene: 30-40 renders/200-300 lines of dialogue = Still to do.
I know it's been a long ass wait, and there's still a bit more waiting left to do but it's getting there. Thanks for bearing with me this whole time.
lambda (10 марта 2023 08:20) №136
Happy Valentine's Day (4K wallpaper)

lambda (2 февраля 2023 11:45) №135
EP10 Teaser "Finally back home..."

EP10 Teaser "Sit your butt down and keep still!"

lambda (14 января 2023 18:32) №134
Jan 2023 Sitrep

Hey guys,
Just finished the Luis side of the alley fight scene. Here's the current breakdown of EP10's progress:
Luis Nightclub Scene: 595 renders/2801 lines of dialogue = Finished.
Emily Alley Fight Scene: 142 renders/756 lines of dialogue = Finished.
Luis Alley Fight Scene: 92 renders/695 lines of dialogue = Finished.
Emily Taxi Ride Scene: 20-30 renders/100-200 lines of dialogue = Still to do.
Luis Taxi Ride Scene: 20-30 renders/100-200 lines of dialogue = Still to do.
Emily/Samantha Home scene: 500+ renders/2000+ lines of dialogue = Still to do.
MC and Luis Arriving Home scene: 40-80 renders/400-500 lines of dialogue = Still to do.
TLDR: EP10 is still nowhere near done. No, I'm not dragging things out on purpose.
I'm acutely aware that the longer I take to deliver EP10, the less money I make, so it's in my own best interest to get this done as fast as possible. Full disclosure: on EP9's release month, I was making like 7K\month at one point and that's gone down to 2.9K\month today. So as you can see, I'm not dragging this thing out because it's good for me.
I write scenes in chunks and spend the rest of my time catching up with the renders. On a good day I can finish maybe 10 renders. On a really good day, firing on all cylinders I can do maybe 15. But often times depending on the complexity of the scene and my motivation\inspiration level, I've had days where at most I did 4 or 5 renders.
So with that 10 renders a day number and very roughly 700-800 renders left to do, everyone can maybe get a super optimistic estimate how much longer EP10 is going to be in the works.

Anyhoo, lots of words, but it all boils down to me hoping to get it across that I'm not doing this on purpose by slacking off or stringing anyone along on purpose.
lambda (27 ноября 2022 19:45) №133
Bonus Renders!

Anyway, here's Liz on a Late Night talk show. Why? Again, I dunno... I watch alot of female celebrity's talk show interviews on Youtube. I guess I do it to study the ladies sitting posture, mannerism, expression, fashion and all that jazz... what can I say, I'm a dork.
The setup is, Liz got invited to a talk show for some reason. I guess she made the news by foiling a robbery or something with he MMA shenanigans... anyway, Ash then challenged her to do something wholly unacceptable while on air or something... I dunno, something along those lines.

As for the game that everyone is actually waiting for. It's going. Slow going but it's going... just released another teaser along with this side Liz thing.

Anyhoo, Enjoy.
lambda (6 ноября 2022 13:24) №132
What's Up Now...

Hey folks,
Just a little sitrep. I'm completely done with everything in the club. Now working on some actiony stuff outside of the club before heading back home. There will be two version of this. One for when you're with Em and one when you're with Luis.
After that, I can start work on the second substantial part of EP10, which follows what happens if you don't stay at the club. Once that is finish that to it's completion.
I can pick up the Luis thread again to finish it up and show what happens as the two try to sneak back into the halfway house. That'll be the last thing. After that EP10 will be done.

For now, here's yet another sneak peek of three new characters for the scene outside of the club.
1. Triad Pimp
2. Triad Thug
3. Cabby
4. Bonus Em. Nothing to do with EP10. Just an outfit test for Em. Included for funsies as a little injection of beauty amongst all them beasts.

That's all. Sorry this is taking so long.
lambda (15 июля 2022 20:15) №130
Нет, разработчик собирался делать единственный любовный интерес - Эмили. a048

Обложка апрельского "Bonus 7: Being Emily" для $20 тира, кстати

Написано, что старые бонусы были "Remastered" посредством музыки и правок, 1-3 бонусы бесплатны всем:
https://www.patreon.com/azrd?filters[tag]=Bonus Scene Reward
komsi (15 июля 2022 19:23) №129
Будет ли полноценная концовка с Эшли?
Cupido (18 апреля 2022 07:45) №128
Интересный сюжет Персонажи не плохие.На EP 7 прошел все варианты открыл все галереи и так понимаю решения итд особо не влияют на сюжет:( А вот новые версии так понимаю без перевода только на инглише?
lambda (14 февраля 2022 09:06) №127
Halfway House EP9

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lambda (14 декабря 2021 08:31) №126
Christmas Render

EP9 Teaser "He looks scary!" and a fun pic with Em.

bulatell (17 ноября 2021 01:20) №125
Где можно скачать новую версию? a004
lambda (3 ноября 2021 06:58) №124
EP9 Teaser "Tactical Espionage Action..."

I'm still alive...

Just released a teaser. As for EP9's development. It's going is all I can say. Right now render count is at 714 renders. And the script line count is over 5000 lines. (for comparison EP8 had 595 renders and 4200 lines). EP9's render count will prolly break 1K before it's done.

So yeah... I'm a broken record at this point but still a while yet.
BaKo1 (23 октября 2021 20:54) №123
Bobur404,админа в личку напиши, может добавит
152 Комментариев
