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HentaiHero (23 июля 2021 10:44) №444
Опытный переводчик
Для тех, у кого чинят вышку, достаточно. Просто страница комментов внезапно весит 7мб - нах такое надо? Ещё бывают тарифы с трафиком, впн с трафиком, медленный впн и медленный интернет. Плюс в тех же комментах твои портяны ещё и проматываются не в одно движение. Уверен, что мешает не только мне.
А если даже так непонятно, у меня тоже есть любимые арты. Представь несколько страниц отсюда, например, в комментах к твоим 3д-куклам. a001
lambda (23 июля 2021 06:07) №443
Buxomous maximus

Hi guys, I hope you are all well.

Just a quickie this week. I'm working on posing my final scene which I should get done by the weekend. I can then start putting this mess together.
Short and sweet just like our Kelly. Let me know who you want to see 4k renders of next time.

Thank you all as always and take care out there.

Там всего-то 7 картинок на 7МБ, маловато для спойлера a113
HentaiHero (22 июля 2021 11:43) №442
Опытный переводчик
А можно это под спойлер?
lambda (22 июля 2021 11:32) №441
Mouth to mouth?

Hi everyone, I hope you are all well.

Work is going okay. I had little set back over the weekend with a bizarre networking issue that I couldn't resolve short of reinstalling windows. It's fixed now and no game data was lost but it cost my time getting everything set up again.
I'm currently working on the main animation of this first update. It's been a little awkward getting it right. It's easy planning the scene on paper but when it actually comes to posing it in Daz studio it doesn't always work out the way you hoped.
The models hands aren't quite as flexible as the real thing and if you try and push the limits too far it can look all wrong. Then there are the huge boobs to work around and avoid clipping the arms into. Alas I can only blame myself for the latter.
I hoped to easily have the update done before the end of the month but it's starting to dawn on me that it might not happen. Things never get done as quickly as I imagine and I have a few extra one off things to do for this first release like customizing the UI, finding new music and SFX, creating a new banner/ title screen etc...

So I did a few 4k renders of Veronika, the ship's doctor, for you guys as requested. It was pointed out in the comments previously that the names of the girls are in the filenames for the images that show each girls measurements. The names are not 100% confirmed but I don't see me changing them much now. I'll do the Kelly the heavy chested redhead next time. I hope you all enjoy

That's all for now.
Thank you all as always and take care.
koktel16 (10 июля 2021 17:12) №440
💚 Донатер
Собственно, а когда последняя версия будет?
lambda (29 июня 2021 07:35) №439
Aye, aye.

Hi guys, I hope you are all well.

First off I just want to make sure everyone knows that billing is now enabled again and pledges will be processed at the start of next month.
With that said work on the initial release is going fine. I've still got a few more scenes to do yet though. I can't quite say yet when it will be done.
As there will be little animated sexual activity in this first update I decided to add some quick little animated camera loops to show off the girls when the are first introduced. Nothing too fancy but I think it's kinda cool :)
I don't really have much else to share just yet to be honest.

I decided I will start doing some 4k renders of my new characters for you all. Above is Samantha in an outfit that's not too revealing (yet). As she is the captain of the ship the MC is on it's fitting that she is first. Let me know who you want to see next.

That's all I have for you for now.
Thank you all as always and take care of yourselves.
lambda (14 июня 2021 14:22) №438
Bra Wars

Hi guys, I hope you are all well, I thought I would check in with you all.

I've been working on the new game for the last couple of weeks now. It's going okay, I've had no real problems so far. One thing I am struggling with is coming up with a title for the game but i suppose that's not too important in the grand scheme of things..
I've put up a few preview images above for you to check out, one of which is our MC. He's a bit older and bit more buff this time around.
I've still been playing around with boob physics blender, I've not mastered it yet but I also think there are limits to how much it can do. I'll have to work on combining the results with manual sculpting I guess. I did a few renders of Dr. Williams for you guys to enjoy.

I'd like to do some fun renders of my new characters for you guys but it doesn't seem right to show too much of them when we've not even seen them in the game yet. Maybe I can do some but perhaps in clothing that's not too revealing.
Anyways that's all I have for you for now.

Thank you all as always and take care.
Эдлжлртлп (1 июня 2021 21:20) №437
Где обнова шеф???
lambda (31 мая 2021 11:55) №436
Quite a handful

Hi guys, I hope you are all well.

I think I'm about ready to start work on creating the first release of the new game.
This initial release will mostly be just setting the scene, introducing the characters etc... sexy time is going to be limited unfortunately. It's probably also going to be completely linear, with only a few choices just for some extra flavor dialogue.

For the second update I plan to open it up a bit. I want to have the player to able to choose where he goes and who he talks to. I'm not looking to create a sandbox game, I decided that instead of trying to make one all encompassing story that has to accommodate all the characters and provide a way to end with one or more of them. I will try to create an overarching background story and then each character can have their own mini story within it, it seems easier this way.
Ideally this gives the player the freedom to choose which character they want to pursue while avoiding those they don't. Hopefully it gives me a little more freedom in the writing as I won't have to justify where the MC goes and who he talks to, it's because the player decided it. The downside is it's trickier having the characters interact with each other in a meaningful way. I can't really know for sure if this is going to make things any easier as I've not done this before, I guess I'll find out.
I want to keep clicking to a minimum, I'm not looking to add any kind of required repetitive gameplay either. I hope to provide a guide within the game to tell the player exactly where to go to progress. I don't expect there to be many different locations to have to move between.
I just thought I would put that out there as I know perhaps not everyone is overly fond of such things. I didn't want to just surprise people with it.

Anyway, I attached above what should be the mostly final appearance of the characters along with a few vital statistics. I've already come up with some names for them but I'm interested to know what you guys think they could or should be named. If I see any good ones I may use them instead of what I already have. Think in terms of different nationalities.
I've also created the MC now, but I didn't bother with a render because he's not really the star of the show here, though I will say that he will also be equally well equipped.

After creating a few renders of Nikki squeezing her boobs last time I thought I can't really leave Karen out. So above is also Karen enjoying her big pregnancy boobs. I hope you all enjoy.

So that's about it. It's only a few days until the end of the month so I will pause the subs one more time. Assuming nothing unexpected happens I plan the have the billing cycle unpaused from the following month onwards.

Thank you all as always and take care of yourselves.
Kangering (8 мая 2021 01:44) №435
На порнолабе уже есть 1.0 полностью на русском
lambda (7 мая 2021 15:27) №434
Цитата: Qayme
А есть инфо по новой игре? Где искать/когда выйдет/ будет ли на этом сайте?

Всё, что известно написано ниже.
Qayme (7 мая 2021 11:02) №433
А есть инфо по новой игре? Где искать/когда выйдет/ будет ли на этом сайте?
lambda (24 апреля 2021 12:23) №432
Soft bodies.

Hi guys, I hope you are all well.

Wow, has it really been a month since my last post? The time has gone by way to fast.
I'm still working on the ground work for my next game. The lack of environment assets out there that match my needs means that I'm having to kinda kit bash my own sets together. I also want to try and keep an at least similar aesthetic throughout the sets, I don't want to just use random sci-fi bedroom that looks completely different to random sci-fi medical bay for example.

I wasn't happy with the face of the Asian character I had previewed before. I tried tweaking her but couldn't get her looking right. I started over from scratch and again i could only get to something I was partially happy with, so I put it to one side while I worked on something else.
After coming back with fresh eyes the character above in the red shirt is now my latest version, let me know what you think, I'm happy enough with how she is at the moment but I may still tweak her some to try and giver her a bit more character.

Daz released an update to its Genesis figures, the new version being 8.1. Part of the update is a new skin shader which I've been taking the time to add to all my new characters. The maps I'm using are still from Genesis 8 characters because there are not that many new Genesis 8.1 characters out yet. They work well enough with a few tweaks here and there. I also tweaked a few other settings, particularly the subsurface scattering values as I felt the skin on my characters looked a bit too transparent previously.
I've also been taking this time to try brush up on my skills with Blender, particularly the physics simulation tools. One of the main things that Daz studio lacks is any kind of soft-body physics simulation for its figures. Making things like breasts and butts move is all done with basic pre made morphs which is really quite limiting.
So I've been trying to come up with a work flow where I can export my characters into Blender, use the simulation and animation tools there to create my own custom morphs for whatever particular pose I'm using and import it back into Daz. It takes a little time but the results I think are worth it, It just adds that little something.
I'm still working on the possibilities, I'd like to get clothing involved too but that something to work on next. For now I've made a few practice renders of Nikki squishing her boobs just for you all ;).

I'll be pausing the monthly subs again as I don't see myself starting work on the new game itself before the end of the month, I also have some real life things coming up that are going to take up some time.
So until next time, thank you all as always and take care.
lambda (3 апреля 2021 20:15) №431
A few test renders

Hi guys, I hope you are all well.
I just thought I would do a super quick post to let you all know I've not dropped dead or anything, I'm still alive and kicking.
I thought I could share a few test renders of the sets I've been working on as well, see what you guys think.
Otherwise I've not much else to share, just a quick post as I said. Thank you all as always and take care yourselves out there.

hadsa (19 марта 2021 18:27) №430
Есть 1.0 но она пока на английском.
Харс (14 марта 2021 12:23) №429
Странно что служанка во всём этом не участвует.
JN91 (5 марта 2021 18:31) №428
Будем надеятся - будет лучше.
Никки в основном отпугивала в игре,+ненравилась ее лыба местами. Были и интересные моменты,но в основном,так себе,на редкость противный персонаж. Можно было и помелее внешность с таким характерером,посексуальней что-ли,придираюсь возможно,но игра неплохая.
lambda (5 марта 2021 09:21) №427
Информация по будущей игре от stiglet.
Поскольку информации очень много, все новости под спойлерами.

Vladmantraputirov (12 февраля 2021 21:49) №426
ПО ФИКСИТЕ ПОЖАЛУЙСТА ВЫЛЕТЫ !!! Играть вообще невозможно постоянно сохраняться и заходить в данную игрулю подзадалбывает , в пред: версии все было супер на ступеньку выше и приехали , спасибо за понимание ...
lambda (27 января 2021 09:09) №425
У кого это у всех? С оригинальной игрой всё в порядке, никаких вылетов.
Если есть у кого какие-то ошибки, то с вероятностью 99% брались старые сохранения с мешаниной вида использовался/не использовался оригинальный патч/использовался сторонний патч, и вот приплыли. Это всё лечится игрой с чистого листа.

Жалобы вида
Цитата: Shinkoz
Почему игра стала вылитать переодически

с нулевой информативностью можно адресовать только лишь зеркалу.
И гуглу, конечно, он хоть расставит "Е" и "И" по местам.
Hemera69 (27 января 2021 09:06) №424
Вроде это у всех так же. После этого я вообще не смог играть эту игру(Я через андроид играю). Надеюсь исправят эту проблему!
Shinkoz (27 января 2021 01:46) №423
Комрады выручайти. Почему игра стала вылитать переодически
lambda (19 января 2021 11:43) №422
Нет, мне переводы совершенно не интересны.
Алекс81 (18 января 2021 22:28) №421
lambda, ты не в курсе, когда Nikol закончит перевод игры?
lambda (15 января 2021 14:47) №420
Гаремная концовка заканчивается на увеселениях в приватной комнате бара, с послесловием со связанной горничной.
Так же есть концовки Карен, Никки, Карен+Никки, Хэйли. Но в версиях 0.12.4 и финальной 1.0, ссылки в 411 комментарии. В 0.12.3 нет концовки Никки, этой незапланированной концовкой была заменена плохая концовка в студенческой комнате гг в 0.11.
Erich92 (15 января 2021 14:40) №419
Я правильно понимаю, что игра пока что или вообще заканчивается на том моменте, когда ГГ со своим гаремом в баре развлекается, вчетвером?
lambda (5 января 2021 18:58) №418
Next steps.

Hi everyone,
First off I hope you all had a great time over the holidays as well as a happy new year.

I enjoyed my break and now its time to get back in the saddle.
I'd say I'm going to start working on my next game but that's not quite right as I don't have a new game to work on yet. :)
I'm more in the concept/prototype phase right now. It's no good just coming up with a load of great ideas if I can't get the assets or have the coding ability to make it a reality.
I'll have to spend some time looking what assets are out there to see what's possible. I've already been playing around with renpy and python, learning more about making custom screens and such.
For example this time I'd like to have a replay gallery where you can replay scenes you have already seen in the game. I'd like to create a better UI for controlling the animation options. There are many things really.
I'm always open to any cool ideas and suggestions you guys might have. If there is anything you wanted or were hoping to see in my next game, this is kinda the best time to share your thoughts.
I think I will pause the monthly billing again. I'd like to take my time to try and get things right from the start and not feel under pressure to produce content asap. Be aware charge up front is enabled (It cannot be disabled) so new pledges or increased pledges are still charged.
I'll also update the main page here to reflect the current situation.
When I have something to share with you guys I will. I may also run a few polls you get your opinion on things.
I think that's about it for now.

Thank you all as always and take care.
Pl4F (31 декабря 2020 20:32) №417
В последней версии словил баг:
Делал все выборы на концовку с Никки, максимально динамил Хейли, но в конце все равно получилась концовка с Хейли
JN91 (31 декабря 2020 02:11) №416
Наверно,когда у переводчика руки дойдут. После новогодних куникул,праздников,глядишь числа 13 и будет. a002
Алекс81 (31 декабря 2020 01:48) №415
Блин, когда же Nikol возьмётся за перевод последней версии игры? Аааауууу! Кто-нибудь в курсе?????
474 Комментариев
