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Hemera69 (10 мая 2020 00:25) №294
Спасибо большое. Ты как боженька!!!! Даёшь другим людям которые не могут позволить такое приобрести! Без очереди в рай!!!!
lambda (9 мая 2020 20:43) №293
The Visit 0.12.3 (добавлена концовка Карен+Никки)

Hi guys, sorry to keeo you all waiting. Here is the lastest update to The Visit.

This update completes the Nikki and Karen together ending.
If you want help getting on this path I've attached the guide below
The new Interpolated animations seem to cause a bit of trouble with Ren'Py's predictive caching. If you try to skip forward too fast through the animations it causes large memory usage and possible crashes. I can only guess Ren'Py is trying to load the images to ram faster than it is removing old ones. If it becomes a major problem I'll look at reducing the animation framerate again. Otherwise if you go through at a normal pace it seems to work fine for me.

I hope you enjoy it guys, I'm gonna take a couple of days to relax my brain so I don't burn out.

Игра PC: https://mega.nz/file/NGpnRBTB#cIAM1yGovo1ok...oYww4wVnSg7sUwA
Игра MAC: https://mega.nz/file/FChDnBoI#0kGc5NoLXCjP_...y_P6ldV9kw_f4k4
Инцест патч: https://mega.nz/file/Zb533bBR#MuwOxF-v5PwVO...uOZtjam37OgZego
Руководство по прохождению: https://attachments.f95zone.to/2020/05/665046_Handholder.pdf
lambda (9 мая 2020 19:24) №292
Нет, не подходит старый патч. Игра оборвётся сразу после контента на 12.2...
lambda (9 мая 2020 18:11) №291
The Visit 0.12.3 TEST (добавлена концовка Карен+Никки)

426 рендеров, и 1120 рендеров для анимаций...

Игра: https://mega.nz/#!BB5kmYQa!8OkE5hnSeFd-uwqd...NYcH6goyTZmJ83w
Инцест патч (подходит старый): https://mega.nz/#!NbgnAYwT!8gQtIUjnvttpjrRd...l-mYu9X0-nGfEmA
Руководство по прохождению: https://attachments.f95zone.to/2019/10/446217_Handholder.pdf
lambda (8 мая 2020 06:38) №290
Поскольку, теперь известны настройки используемые для создания моделей, потихоньку начинает зарождаться фанарт.
Пока что от одного завсегдатая обсуждений, в основном - Outrider.

Особенно этот хорош, в честь грядущей концовки Карен+Никки

lambda (7 мая 2020 04:58) №289
Quick update

Hi guys, just a quick update today.

My goal was to get the test version out by today but I discovered I messed up a couple of my animations.

I somehow key-framed the camera's depth of field different a the start and end of the loop. I didn't see this when previewing it in openGL as that doesn't show the depth of field effect. I didn't notice when looking at the finished images because just looking at a still image, its not apparent the depth of field is shifting. It was only when I started creating the looped video that I noticed, and the effect is jarring, pretty much making the renders unusable.

I've fixed the animation and been re rendering it but it takes time. Time where I also need to fix other little problems in other renders but now I can't because daz is already busy.

I'm sorry about this guys because I know you've been waiting for so long but it's probably set me back a couple of days. Friday is now more realistic for the test version and then the general release after.
Hemera69 (4 мая 2020 20:24) №288
2 концовки как я помню! Хейлин (девушка гл.героя) и Карен (мать гл.героя)
Qayme (4 мая 2020 17:02) №287
Какие концовки есть на данный момент?
Lordreks (27 апреля 2020 23:30) №286
что делать если вылетает ошибка связанная с karenend2ё
lambda (23 апреля 2020 15:48) №285
For the breast

Hi guys, I hope you're all well.

I'm doing well, however I was hoping to start working on the ren'py script about now. I'm currently about 60 renders into my final scene and I'm only just about to start working on my final animations though.
I could have rushed it and skipped some renders to get it done sooner but didn't want to do that. I felt it would have made the ending feel wrong. So basically it's going to take a bit longer, I'm more than likely not going to get it done before the end of the month, probably a few days to a week after would be my guess. I'm sorry guys.
So with that pleasant news out of the way I think the last character I haven't shared how to make would be Professor Mckenna.
She's Genesis 8 Female with materials and morphs from Charlotte 8. Her hair is Sara hair for Genesis 3 and 8
Here are the sliders

As you can see there is some Victoria 8 thrown in with some FWSA Teagan HD for Victoria 7 too. The lashes come from another character but that's not so important.
I neglected to mention in my previous posts that the breasts, glutes and other body morphs are not part of the Genesis 3 or 8 starter essentials that come with Daz. I forgot this was the case and you need to get the separate respective Genesis Female Body Morphs package(s).
Anyway, here's a few renders of her. I don't think we've seen her in a bikini yet.

So that's all I've got. I'd better get back to work.
Thank you all as always and take care of yourselves.
GunterFolsie (20 апреля 2020 19:47) №284
Для тупых (тоесть мне) обясните что происходит
ULTRAS_090 (20 апреля 2020 10:46) №283
согласен :)
lambda (17 апреля 2020 15:18) №282
Ну а кто бы сомневался в финалистах a002
ULTRAS_090 (17 апреля 2020 09:33) №281
lambda, :D
lambda (16 апреля 2020 05:38) №280
My eyes are up here

Hi guys, I hope you are all well.

Things are still going fine here. I'm starting work on the final scene, hopefully it doesn't take too long, but at the same time I don't want to just rush it. I have some new ideas that I would like to squeeze in. It might cost a little extra time but it might be worth it in the end. I'll see how thing go and I'll keep you guys updated.
I went with the red dress on Nikki, I dunno, it just looked so good on her, I had no other choice really. :)

Every week I do a few 4K renders for you guys. A couple of weeks ago I sent out a message to a handful of my top lifetime supporters. As a thank you for their amazing support I offered them the chance to have a custom render made of their choosing. I will then share it with everyone here in my weekly post.
I've not heard back from everyone yet, I'm not sure if everyone checks their messages, I may have to follow up with emails. But for those that have replied I have had some very, let's say, interesting scenarios already.

I'll finish sharing how my characters are created first though so on that topic here is how Nikki is made.
Nikki's shape and textures are based on the Lilith 7 for Genesis 3 character.
Her hair is Classic Side Part Hair for Genesis 3 and 8
Her breasts and a few other morphs are as follows

That's about it.
But body like that must take some effort to keep it in top shape. Here's Nikki pumping some iron and working up a sweat.

It's not the only thing she pumps, especially when she needs her protein supplement.
Okay guys that's all from me for now.

Thank you all so much as always. Take care out there.
lambda (9 апреля 2020 03:46) №279

Hi guys, I hope you are all well.

Things are still going fine over here and work continues as normal.
I'm sure you're all wondering how long it's gonna be until the next update. All I can say at the moment is that I'm trying to get it ready for before the end of the month. No promises though.
I've now closed the poll that was running. I had you guys choose a couple of dresses for Nikki and Karen to wear. The winners were:

C. This dress got the most votes by quite a clear margin.

And A. This dress only beat the next nearest by a single vote. Very close indeed.

I've opened up the poll to everyone so you can have a look at what the other choices were if you wish. Who will wear which dress? You'll just have to wait and see :)

This week I'll go over what goes into Rosa's character.
I believe I mentioned in the past Rosa's model is based on the character Gwennili for Victoria 7 (Ciri from the Witcher 3 lookalike.) but with a different skin. That skin is from a character called Agata for Genesis 3 Female.
Her morph sliders are as follows

Notice the Victoria 7 body is dialed out and finally her hair is called Side Tail Hair.
So that's that, on with the renders of her wearing something a bit more elegant than usual.

But she just can't help but be naughty.
Okay, that's all for this week.
Thank you all as always and take care of yourselves out there.
wareck (2 апреля 2020 19:14) №278
Спасибо за чуткое наблюдение. Заголовок поста дает ну очень развернутый ответ.
lambda (2 апреля 2020 18:26) №277
Скорее всего в конце апреля. В этом еженедельном письме нет ни слова, значит не в ближайшие недели)
Trititi (2 апреля 2020 16:23) №276
В предыдущем посте первое слово Frosted, как гугл переводчик найти объяснять нужно?
wareck (2 апреля 2020 12:28) №275
И не слова про выход следующего обновления.
lambda (2 апреля 2020 07:40) №274

Hi guys, I hope you're all doing well, things are fine here.

I'm sure you've noticed most of the preview screenshots have featured Nikki. For the Karen fans out there, don't worry, there will be more of her, I just haven't got to those bits yet. :p
I thought about doing an April fools post or something. Maybe reveal that when the MC returns home Karen is now post op with a tool bigger than the MC. I decided against it, I wouldn't want to give you guys heart failure in these uncertain times :)
It's been about 2 years (with a few breaks here and there) since I started this project, I never imagined I would have so many people helping make this game a reality. I just want to say you've all been amazing, thank you so much!

This week I will reveal how Officer Juru is made. She has quite a few different morphs going on so I though instead of typing them all out I would just screenshot the sliders in Daz studio.
She's based on Michiko HD for Genesis 8 Female with a mix of Isae for Genesis 3 and 8 Female.

Yes, that's 178.2% on the Breast size slider, you will have to alter the parameter setting and disable the limits if you want to go past 100% :p
She uses Michiko's materials and the Leony Wet and Dry Ponytail Hair for Genesis 3 and 8 Female.
And so here's a few 4k renders of her.

I hope you enjoy and that's all from me this week.
Thank you all as always and take care.
Alba9 (1 апреля 2020 07:26) №273
JN91, ка не стыдно a018
JN91 (1 апреля 2020 01:10) №272
Что-то в игре дамочки через чур страшные,хотя на тизерах нормально. Местами смахивают на крокодильи хари. Будто офигела не от секса а от ужаса.
lambda (28 марта 2020 04:58) №271
Цитата: FlyOfFly
Должен узнать до выбора - нет?

Нет. (сделать сохранение) Выбрать ответ, прочитать историю, (загрузить сохранение) отмотать колёсиком обратно - не вижу проблемы для дотошных «должОн». ;)

Включить логику - если подружка не хочет, чтобы МС рассказывал, как всё было, значит соврав получаем очко от неё; говорим правду - получаем очко от Карен. В этом и суть новеллок.
А не скорее-скорее залезть мамке в трусы, нет? :)
lambda (28 марта 2020 04:54) №270
You can leave your hat on

Hi guys, I hope you're all doing well.

I'm still here, the world hasn't ended quite yet. Seems like so much of the world is on lock down, unfortunately I still have to go to my day job :p. I'm still working here though too, progress hasn't really been delayed. I just got another animation in the can, I think this next update will have about 5 new animations. The past couple of weeks I've been revealing how to recreate the characters the game, some of you haven't liked this but personally I feel these characters are as much yours as they are mine and I want to share them with you. I think I'm going to continue. So this week I'll do Dr. Jenny Williams. She is quite simple really, she is basically Roxanne for Victoria 7 with the bodybuilder and body tone morphs zeroed. Her main assets are Areolae diameter 50%, Breasts cleavage 30%, Breasts downward slope 100%, Breasts implants 75%, Breasts natural -25% and Breasts size 80%. Her materials are the Roxanne ones but tweaked a little. Her hair is Neko hair for Genesis 3 and that's about it. So here she is as a country girl or something.

FlyOfFly (26 марта 2020 23:16) №269
Должен узнать до выбора - нет?
lambda (26 марта 2020 18:21) №268
Цитата: FlyOfFly
Какую правду? Хотя бы маленькая информация...

Представляешь! Если выбрать этот ответ - ты узнаешь её из уст гг ;)
Trititi (26 марта 2020 17:12) №267
FlyOfFly,по поводу инфы. что бы её узнать нужно читать диалоги, по поводу платных версий сколько ты заплатил на этом сайте что бы в неё поиграть?
FlyOfFly (26 марта 2020 00:58) №266
Я бы не отказался узнать насчет того, чего я вру...Серьезно, что за выбор:"говорить правду". Какую правду? Хотя бы маленькая информация...
И серьезно, платная new build version? Понятно, когда новая minor версия платная, ну когда fix..выглядит страновато

Ну А вот с "вот и помер бабка роза"(сцена в бассейне) - позабавила
Хентай-тян (25 марта 2020 20:32) №265
Добавлена андроид версия fix1
474 Комментариев
